Mae’s Finding Someplace Backpack

This summer I read Finding Someplace as one of my summer reading books. This story is about a girl named Reesie who escaped her hometown, New Orleans, because of an incoming hurricane. In preparation, she packed a few things in her backpack so she could escape comfortably. It was tough because during that time, her parents weren’t home. Instead, they were at their jobs working to save for her college. This caused her to pack some things like her phone, a charger, food, and some important papers that were stashed away in her parents closet. 

If I was in Reesies’ situation I would pack a bag like her, so now I am going to write about what I would bring. Firstly, I would bring money and important papers and documents like my family’s and my passports. Wallets are important too! With this being said, luckily I know where these things are stored in our house, and if I didn’t I would search briefly in the most logical places because I still have things I need to bring! Some of those things include basic electronics such as computers, iPads, phones, and depending if it would fit, I might try to squeeze any airpods, or apple watches that were left. This would be difficult because those things need chargers too. All of these things are important but food and pets are too so that’s what I would bring next!

It’s time to pack some things that are very important to me, my pets! I have two dogs, so for them I would bring their leashes, food, and some really small treats in a small Ziploc bag. I would most likely also keep them in a certain safe place with the door closed while I was grabbing my other items, which I will tell you all about!

After these things have been packed, I would start to focus on my survival and pack….. food!!! There are all types of food, so it’s important to grab the correct items. With this being said, grabbing items that need to be freezed or refrigerated wouldn’t be smart, so instead bars, crackers, and some type of fruit that doesn’t quickly mold like an apple would be part of the few food items I’d bring along. Along with this, I would quickly prepare a couple of really easy sandwiches with a preserve such as peanut butter. Even though it’s not my personal preference, it would be a good option if I was ever really in that situation. Water is important too, however it can take up a lot of space, so I would stuff as many normal sized plastic bottles in my bag as possible. Those are some of the food items I would bring if I was in Reesies’ situation. 

What do you wear everyday?.. Clothes!! So, that’s what I would pack next. Emergency’s are emergencies so I would want to pack as light as possible, meaning I would pack very minimally. Assuming it was August, an extra pair of shorts with a sweater would be all, and to save room, I would wear the sweater over the clothes I already had on. To clarify, the sweater could be used for storage space, a pillow, and comfort, all of which would be helpful during a hurricane! For me, if I have head comfort I also want body comfort so the final item in this section that I would bring is a sleeping bag. Now, a couple more things and…

We are almost done! The final things I would bring would be a toothbrush, mini toothpaste, some elastics for my hair, and a mini hairbrush, some batteries, any car/house key (just in case) and a flashlight! And…. After all that packing, I am successfully ready to escape!! I have to grab my dogs first though.