6th Grade Language Arts has gone by so fast!

The Last Cuentista:

(Picture taken from my books app)

In around November our sixth started reading a book called
The Last Cuentista by:  The Last Cuentista is a book about a girl and her family who get selected to travel to a new planet. This journey will take them hundreds of years and in the meantime they will lose all memories of their past. All but Petra, the main character, who goes on a mission to regain everyone’s memories. She does this using the power of words and I’m here to tell you the importance of why.  

Words are very powerful. Words get you out of sticky situations,  words determine whether someone is guilty or not, words keep a conversation going. Words are what ensure our place in the world today. The Last Cuentista is a great reminder of this message. When all hope is given up Petra relies on the familiar stories words created. She relies on the stories passed down to her through her family and shares them with others. By doing this she wanted them to remember some parts about their past. She was resilient; she went through stories and stories and stories until she found the right one. People started regaining their memories of the past. They started to gain back the familiar feeling of being at home while laying in your bed and having your parents read to you. The comfort that it gives. If Petra hadn’t remembered the stories many many people would have lost all All thoughts of their previous lives. 

Words create stories, the stories that are told to us about our family and how to live life. What would happen to us if we lost all these stories? We would lose everything, all of our knowledge. The Last Cuentista is a great reminder of this message. We need to remember words, because the stories that we tell create our future generations. Without them, we would know nothing about the past, we would not be able to create such an everlasting impact on earth. So thank you to those who take the time to spread these messages, who tell the stories of sadness,  happiness,  surprise, anger, suffering, and everything in between. 

Ideal World: 

After reading the story, we have to create our own ideal worlds. We had to envision everything that we would want, design it, draw it, and finally create a blog post about it. Scroll down to find what my ideal world would be like! some small hints: my ideal world was split into three major parts with different unique aspects. 1/3 of my word was completely dedicated to sports, specifically field hockey. One part was dedicated to all the business aspects, and the last was one just as if it was out of a magical fairy tale. This experience was truly so fun, and so different. it was like I was writing down everything out of my dreams and trying to make it a reality. Definitely one of my favorite things about 6th grade language arts!

Book Making:

The next major project in 6th language arts  was creating our own personal 3D books. A local artist, Peg Gignoux came in to help us. She told us how to collage and a special technique of ink printing called Akua. When that was done she helped us assemble our books, create the cover, pick color schemes, and put the final touches on our books. I made my book surrounding a nature theme. I tried to use a lot of plants, trees, foliage, bushes, and natural aspects of our world today. The final step in the process was adding our  Ideal World story and cuento to the book. Read on to find out more about my personal cuento (story)!  Once they were all done they were put up for the whole school to see. This was definitely my favorite thing we did this year!.


Keep it on the theme of stories. We were asked to write about our own. We chose one particular moment about us or someone else  and wrote about it. I wrote mine about cheese, no matter how crazy it is. You see, when I was younger I was obsessed with cheese and went through great lengths to obtain some for myself. so I thought it would be really fun and unique to write about it. I loved how my cuento turned out.

Sixth grade has truly gone by so fast, one moment we were learning about grammar and learning how to enhance our writing, The next we’re riding full on stories for our school for our school to see. Although some times we’re busier than others, we truly did so much. It was a year I will never forget and I made some great memories throughout it. Thank you for reading this blog post!


Ideal World

One World Three Luxuries

By: Mae


Can you envision the world of your dreams, perhaps school with no homework or life without rules? My ideal world world would be split in 3 parts. One of them being whimsical and a type of life out of a fairy tale, the other full of all things field hockey, and finally the business related part which would include things like schools and stores. 

I love field hockey, so I have dedicated ⅓ of my ideal world to it, specifically to the details of the fields and the temperature. I love hot and sunny days but they can be excruciating to play in, so the constant temperature and weather of this part of my world would be in the high sixties, with sun, some clouds, and a breeze in the air. With this being said, I would also want the fields to be in perfect condition. Goals in perfect shape and crisp field lines for the most accurate play. Next, all fields would have at least one water refill station with water that was nice and cool, plus it would never run out. Finally, I would enforce everyone who played to have at least a scrimmage per weekend with umpires that are actually trained to make the best calls. Now, it’s time to describe the more business type of my world. 

Although, life without rules and school seems fun, it would be complete chaos. So, there are a few things that would make it better. School is fun but the work that comes with it isn’t always so great, so the number 1 rule at schools would be no homework. The only exception to this rule would be projects that require more effort. Next, all stores would be at reasonable prices so more people could afford them. Even though it would definitely not be enough, hopefully this would reduce hunger by some amount. You have to be able to get to and from school so it’s important for the roads and sidewalks to be clean, no littering allowed! Last but definitely not least, there would also be trees that grew candy constantly ready to eat.

Being comfortable and relaxed is very important. So, the last part of my world would be just like one out of a fairy tale. A pastel colored sky with bright stars and dotted with white fluffy clouds would be the first part of this section. Next, the ground would be a lazy river that is always completely clean and at the perfect temperature for you. On the way around there would be homes made of candy and cute and cozy shops where you can dine in for free. There would be hot springs scattered around for a fun surprise once in a while and to solve the problem of not wanting to be wet when you get out of the water, in my world you would feel the water surround you but you would never actually get wet. Most important part of this part of my ideal world would be the ability to reign in a cloud at any time. They would be fluffy, the perfect size, and they would infinitely reproduce. Once you use a cloud once though, it would disappear back into the sky. There would be a way to control the amount of clouds in the sky to make sure there were never too much and never to little. If you had a condition that prevented you from being you you wanted to be, there would be magical potions you could drink to solve the problem. Only a certain amount per lifetime though, no over usage! After all that, my ideal world is complete.

In conclusion, my ideal world would be split into three sections. One dedicated to field hockey, one dedicated to business related things, and the other would be like life out of a fairy tale. All of these sections would promote peace and love, hopefully reducing the amount of violence. So that’s it, my ideal world is complete!